Author: paul

  • A Lesson Learned

    An extract in the life-and-times of a project: Wednesday…. 09:31 Mazinga, Chief We have an urgent probelm in Production with neting! Please address with utmost prioiruty!!!! 09:32 Developer, Dude Need a description of the issue and some background info. When did the problem first appear? 09:35 Mazinga, Chief Buisness can you providde feed back????? 09:35…

  • Captain’s Log Stardate 20060918.1955D

    Today, our CSI:Earth unit was sent on a covert on-planet mission. The emergency operation “What’s Rebranding?” was launched at 07.654 UCT under direct executive command. Our remote sensors detected suspicious packages with no apparent peaceful use. Our COPS (Covert Operations) quickly zoomed in on the only possible use for the package: We think that these…

  • Captain’s Log Stardate 20060915.1530C, Financial Exploration Unit 7

    We have landed on the planet EAS12434 in Quadrant XP-AlaDotious which is a particularly annoying part of the Galaxy, most notable for its complete isolation from the HICCUP (Hyperspace Interconnection Complex for Civilizations Under Pressure). Our mission is to investigate the activities within a financial institution, responsible for triggering cash bookings exceeding the total sum…

  • Liebster Tagesbüchle

    Today, we had more fun than ever. We went for an early lunch and ate many foods. Then we cycled to a big building to speak to fine people with little interest in what doom is approaching the bank. But it was nice to sit in the foyer with dark sunglasses on, commenting on passers…

  • Greetings

    Lieber Tagesbuch, heute habe ich gearbeitet. Es war sehr schön. Wir haben viele interessante Sachen getan. Wir viele viele Euros an falsche Konten gebucht haben. Danach zum Mittagessen. Dort haben wir ein Eis gegessen. Später haben wir Kaffee getrunken und ein Bilder im Internet geguckt.